Qresp Organizer Installation
Qresp Organizer is a software to configure the parent folder containing a collection of folders where each paper content is organized and stored. An example of parent folder is reported in the figure below (paper_collection).
To install Qresp Organizer you can
- Download the Qresp Organizer file and run
pip install qresp_config-1.1.0.tar.gz
- Download the Qresp Organizer file and run
Or use PyPI
pip install qresp_config
- Or use GitHub
git clone https://github.com/qresp-code-development/qresp-organizer.git
cd qresp-organizer
python setup.py install --user
How to create a parent folder
Super-user privileges may facilitate this step but are not mandatory.
After installation, run qresp_config to create the parent folder, for e.g. paper_collection which will host paper content of user(s) and generate a config file(qresp.ini).
qresp_config collection <folder_name> [<path>]
- The qresp_config script will ask the user to identify an http service path, Globus service path & Git service. These paths will generate the qresp.ini file. An example of the file content is the following
ishttpservice = Y
isglobusservice = Y
isgitservice = Y
globus_service_path is a non mandatory field, however the http_service_path is needed for the Qresp | Explorer to explore your paper contents.
How to organize a paper content
Qresp | Organizer also facilitates in organizing your paper as discussed in data organization
Initialize qresp_config to create a folder with the paper name inside the paper_collection folder. If a git service is running qresp.py creates an additional paper_name.git folder.
cd paper_collection #parent folder hosting all user(s) papers. qresp_config paper <paper_name> [<path>] #creates empty folders with the users paper name.
Populate the content of the paper folder.
If git service is running,
else,git clone ssh://<username>@<servername>:<path>.git
scp <source> <destination>
Please follow the data organization tutorial to ease the curation process.
How to store paper content
Qresp | Organizer can aid in transferring your paper content from local machine to the parent folder or in uploading your content to Zenodo.
Login to Zenodo.
Generate new token at the applications page. Create a personal token with all permissions checked and copy the token id.
- Specify folder name and the token to upload,
qresp_config zenodo upload <folder_name> <token>